The fifth and final part of the 1984 Festive Fifty, plus repeats of the best of the year's sessions. Several recordings are available, with File 3 containing the greatest continuous portion of the show with File 4 adding several session tracks..
Listing of session repeats courtesy of Ken Garner.
Pogues, #1 (repeat). Recorded 1984-04-10. No known commercial release.
(JP: 'We're going to be embarking on the last 10, or the top 10 of the Festive Fifty, in just a moment or so. I won't read you out the whole of the thing so far, because it's been scattered out over two weeks, so quite clearly it's not unreasonable that you may have missed aspects of it, so I'll tell you the last 10 anyway.')
(JP: 'I've just opened a letter from an Adrian Johnson, a most congenial letter actually, from Northampton, in which he did make the point that the Festive Fifty and the broadcasting thereof is becoming rather a Christmas tradition, in the same sort of way as the Queen's speech, or something along those lines. I take your point exactly, in fact, and was very tempted not to do one this year, but when I hinted this on a programme, a lot of people wrote in and said, "You must do it, because we like to hear it, and there aren't many interesting records issued over the Christmas period", so that's why we're doing one this year. As to next year, well, we live from day to day, Adrian. Who can say?')
(JP: 'There were a disproportionate number of votes for this next one, which arrived in the same week and from the same county, but at the same time, I'm too trusting a bloke to suspect any kind of an organised campaign.')
2) This is a higher quality stereo recording throughout the tape. Full final track inserted from another source as it too cut off before the end.
3) This is a high quality stereo recording which includes all the above tracks, Peel's sign-off for the first time, and continues to the news and some of the Brian Matthew show. Many thanks to Peel Mailing List user ray_b2 for making this show available.
4) Taken from a haul of 1500 mixed edited radio show tapes, purchased from a Scottish collector by a group including Peel Mailing List member Haze.