- Name
- Station
- 1997-08-05
- Comments
- A 93 minute recording of a 110 minute show is available, with tracks also available on File 2 and 3 completing the show.
- Yo La Tengo #1. The session was recorded on 1997-07-15. No known commercial release.
- (After a starting the show with short excerpt of the theme song to the Bat Masterson TV series . JP asks: ‘Enough do you think? Me too.’)
- Male Nurse: ‘Magic Circle in the Sky (7 inch )’ Guided Missile
- John Tejada: ‘The Process (Various Artists 12 inch – Kick: A Collection Of Thumping Beats)’ XLR8R Traks @ $
- Secret Goldfish: ‘Dandelion Milk Summer (7 inch)’ Creeping Bent
- Fats Domino: ‘If You Need Me (CD – The Imperial Singles Volume 2 1953-1956)’ Ace
- Yo La Tengo: ‘Autumn Sweater’ (Peel Session)
- Culture Freeman & Jah Warrior: Rootsman Dub (as announced) perhaps Rootsman Potential (12") Jah Warrior @ $
- Pink Kross: ‘Scumbag (7 inch)’ Teen-C Recordings
- Hypnomen: ‘Zipgun (CD – Supersonico)' Stupido Records
- Guidance: 'Destination (12 inch)' Inspiral Records @ $
- Ivor Cutler: ‘The Bargain (CD - A Wet Handle)’ Creation Records
- Bill Ding: ‘Misled (CD - And The Sound of Adventure)’ Hefty Records
- X-Men: ‘A Turntable Experience (Various Artists 2xCD - Deep Concentration)’ OM Records 43:55-44:54 @
- File a pauses 59s into above track
- Helen Love: ‘Does Your Heart Go Boom (7 inch)’ Ché Trading § @
- Hydroplane: ‘Beloved Invader (CD – Hydroplane)’ Drive In Records § $
- Discotexx: 'Sphère De Discotheque (12 inch – Endless Summer EP)’ Draft Recordings 44:55-45:34 @ $
- File a resumes 39s into above track
- Half Man Half Biscuit: ‘See That My Bike's Kept Clean (LP - Voyage to the Bottom of the Road)’ Probe Plus
- Yo La Tengo: ‘Shadows’ (Peel Session)
- Scott Brown: 'A New Sensation (12 inch)’ Twisted Vinyl @
- Snowe: ‘Hale-Bop (Various Artists CD - Einigen Wir Uns Auf Die Zukunft)’ Kitty-Yo/Indigo/Kollaps/Payola @ $
- Period Pains: ‘Just 17 (7 inch - Spice Girls (Who Do You Think You Are?))’ Damaged Goods @
- (JP: ‘After that I think we ought to have a Spice Girls tune.’)
- Lance Gambit Trio: ‘Say You'll Be There (CD - Cocktail 2000)’ Music For Leisure @
- Ras Shiloh: 'Look In The World (7 inch)' Flames @ $
- (JP: And here’s the last from Yo La Tengo in tonight’s programme. This is the one, you will recall, where they did two different versions of the same song - I Heard You Looking - and played them simultaneously, one on one speaker and the one, almost inevitably on the other. Go!’)
- Yo La Tengo: ‘I Heard You Looking’ (Peel Session)
- Drop Out: ‘Secret Studio (12 inch – Part 5)’ Kool World Records @ $
- Protoculture: ‘Driving a Stolen Car on a Borrowed Road (7 inch)’ State Of The Art Records
- (JP: 'Right now though Mary Anne Hobbs.’)
- Tracks marked @ available on File 2
- Tracks marked $ available on File 3
- Name
- 1) Peel show 1997-08-05 (incomplete)
- 2) dat_137.mp3
- 3) 1997-07-xx-08-xx Peel Show LE364
- Length
- 1) 01:33:27
- 2) 04:11:17 (02:50:50-03:40:25) (03:07:22-03:19:11 additional to 1)
- 3) 1:31:51 (29:55-1:13:13) (50:58-54:09 unique)
- Other
- Thanks to Lorcan and his database for helping put this tracklisting together.
- 2) Dat 137
- 3) Created from LE364 of Lee Tapes, digitised by Weatherman22. Peel July August 1997 Lee Tape 364
- Available