John Peel Wiki


  • 1999-06-08
  • The show is a three hour one, and John realises that he's got an additional eight minutes more than he planned, in addition to the extra hour. The first record on file is the Cuban Boys’ reaction to hearing Flossie’s alarm clock going off on the JP show of 13 May 1999. In fact, there's a slight "Flossie" theme for the evening, with Flossie & The Unicorns also in session.
  • Early kickoff seems to be because Digital Update ran about two minutes and then “kind of fell apart.” Peel notes that in fact he was on for the previous hour as well as the planned replacement for Steve Lamacq is unwell (full tracklisting for the evening, including the first hour, online at Lorcan’s Tracklistings Archive.
  • Has received a message from someone whose great-uncle was Albert Sandler, whose "Kashmiri Song (Four Indian Love Lyrics)" was played in the 1904 Peelenium (see 25 May 1999). After that evening's selection of four from 1910, JP says there was a brain-storming session at Peel Acres at the end of the previous week, when JP came up with lists of records for later years, but found problems with choosing far too many, particularly for 1964, 1967 and 1977.
  • On flutes: "The flute is an instrument which I really dislike, to be honest with you. My mother was perhaps frightened by a flute when she was carrying me or something, but I’ve never cared for it on a record, and it’s one of the many, many instruments that I can’t play." Peel appears to be forgetting his support for the early career of Jethro Tull.
  • Final track of the night played at wrong speed - Peel says it's been a long night.



Peelenium 1910[]

  1. Stanley Kirkby: Don't Go Down The Mine
  2. Harry Champion: Ginger You're Barmy
  3. Columbia Light Opera Company: Tony From America
  4. Ella Retford: Molly O'Morgan


  • a) Peel19990608 Flossy & The Unicorns 1910 a.mp3
  • b) Peel19990608 Flossy & The Unicorns 1910 b.mp3
  • c) jp080699.mp3
  • d) Jane Bond & The Undercover Men - Kiss My Gun
  • a) 01:01:51
  • b) 00:59:02
  • c) 01:33:31
  • d) 00:03:09