Somewhat bizarre intro as Peel talks over a recording of himself reading what is presumably the Radio Times article on The Specials that he'd mentioned the previous evening.
Peel plugs a charity football match:
"All of this week I've been receiving pieces of paper telling me about a football match which occurs in London tomorrow evening at 7:30, so I might as well tell you about it because it looks like a good do. It's at Willesden FC near Willesden Green Tube station in London and it's Shoot magazine versus the Island Record all-stars. Turning out for Shoot magazine are such folk as Malcom Macdonald, Bob Wilson and Frank McLintock. For the Island Records all-stars there's going to be Steve and Paul almost inevitably, J Rotten (as was), Jock McDonald [1], Billy Idol, Tony James and Dan-I and Youth and members of Four BE Two. There you are. I think that that's all that I need to tell you about that."
Peel runs an eye over the new Top 40 single chart that has just been released that day. "Lena Martell appears to be no longer number one and Dr Hook is number one. Terrific stuff, eh?" He notes that The Selecter are #8 and also points out that The Specials and Madness are in the chart.
Goes back and plays the "train noise" section on The Cure single again because he likes it so much.
First Steps are a band from Worlington near Bury St Edmunds.
JP: "When I was a young lad, you'd be able to get up at say, one o'clock, two o'clock in the morning sometimes and go to the bedroom window and draw the curtains and look out. And there you'd be able to see, it was just as though the sun had gone down and that was where Liverpool was burning. That was life during wartime - and so's this."