John Peel Wiki
John Peel Wiki


  • 1986-10-13
  • Peel plays a track from the Fall and also plays a session cover of the band's That Man by Buy Off The Bar.
  • Peel dedicates the Biz Markie track to his son William, who got within 30 hours, a brown belt in Karate and his orange belt in Judo, as well as his other children, Tom, who got his green belt in Karate and his daughter Alexandra, who lost 2 fights in a spirited manner, which the Pig witnessed.
  • Peel plays a track from Ciccone Youth covering Madonna's Burnin' Up.
  • Peel was supposed to play Buy Off The Bar's Too Shy To Die / That Man, but instead plays the Flatmates' Love Cuts. He then corrects it, by playing Buy Off The Bar's track after the Flatmates' song.
  • Peel plays two tracks from Womad Talking Book Volume Three: An Introduction To Europe compilation album, one from Hungarian folk group Muzsikás and the other from reggae artist, Mad Professor.
  • Peel mentions regretting using the word Shambling, which he used once to describe certain bands a few months ago. He goes on to say that the music press is over using the word alot.
  • Peel says that he read that the Young Conservatives[1] in Bournemouth had a band called Razz playing Special AKA's Free Nelson Mandela at the end of their gig, which he thought was amusing and dedicates the Special AKA's track to the Razz band for their bravery to play the song at the Young Conservatives conference.



(JP: 'This is the one LP, that I'll shall definitely take with me to Japan on Thursday. I don't think I can go for 3 weeks without hearing it. I know that's a really pathetic thing to say, but true')
(Drug Alert trailer by Tommy Vance)


  • 020A-B1359XXXXXXX-0100M0.mp3
  • 020A-B1359XXXXXXX-0101M0.mp3
  • 0:59:39
  • 0:58:12
  1. The Young Conservatives are the youth wing of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom.