John Peel Wiki


  • John Peel Show
  • BBC Radio One
  • 1988-12-19
  • "Seeing as tomorrow I start on the Festive Fifty, your choices of the year, I thought tonight I'd play some of my favourites of the year. Only a selection, certainly not a definitive selection."



Part 1

JP: "We start with no less a personage than God."
JP: "I warned you at the beginning of the programme that there was going to be a moment of self-indulgence, as if the whole thing wasn't self indulgent. Our William and our Alexandra are at a school called Combs Middle School in Suffolk and they put on a really good, I mean genuinely good show each year. Last year's came second in some kind of national competition and they entered the same competition this year with something called 'A Disuse Waves The Rules'. It has music by Simon Clover and lyrics by Ian Cristle, who are both teachers at the school, and our William and Alexandra go there, and they allow anybody who wants to take part in the thing at all can, which means obviously there are a lot of people in it. I went along to see it last week, really expecting you know to be vaguely, frankly bored by the whole proceedings, and it was really very, very good. I mean, so good that I went along to see it again, and not just because our Alexandra is in the chorus on this particular thing I'm about to play you. And you can hear William playing alto-saxophone about one minute and forty-two seconds into it, in case you want to listen that closely. As I say, very self-indulgent, but it means a lot to me."

Part 2


  • 1) JP19881219_01.mp3
  • 2) JP19881219_02.mp3
  • 3) 1988-12-19 John Peel BBC Radio1.mp3
  • 1) 1:34:23
  • 2) 0:22:14
  • 3) 2:00:01
  • 1-2) Many thanks to ray-b2 for sharing this show.