- Name
- Station
- 1998-01-21
- Comments
- (Introduction to show, mood of Peel, interesting comments, etc. If possible, please add mentions of gigs attended, football matches, TV appearances, stories of past/current activities, etc, for use elsewhere on John Peel Wiki.)
- Hybirds only session, recorded 17th August 1997, repeat, first broadcast 17 September 1997. "The Only Ones" available on See Me Through CD Single, 1998 (Heavenly HVN 80CD)
- TV Theme Players (composer - Alexander Laszlo: My Little Margie (v/a album - Television's Greatest Hits Volume 4 - Black & White Classics) TVT 1600 $
- Urusei Yatsura: Hello Tiger (single) CHE 75CD2 $
- Twin Blade: Oscillate (12") Bees Wax BWA05 @ $
- ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead: Fake Fake Eyes (album - ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead) Trance Syndicate TR-66CD
- Hybirds: Stranded (session)
- Inter: Happy Ending (single) Pet Sounds PET003CDS
- Chet Poison Ivy: Poo Poo Man (v/a album - FABulous Shakers Soul Party) Pow City POW-S-4002 $
- Indian Rope Man: Somebody Came Shooting (v/a album - Brassic Beats Volume 3) Skint BRASSIC 6 @ $
- Hybirds: Born Yesterday (session)
- Small Black Pig: The Lady Died (7" EP - Jolly Grim) Slampt SLAMPT 52
- Mark Seven: Don't Let Me Down (12" EP - Dancefloor Technique Vol.1) Rotation ROT98011 @ $
- Avrocar: Screen (7" ) Earworm WORM 15
- Bette Davis & The Balconettes: God Of Hate (7" EP - Celebrity Fuckers) Slampt SLAMPT 51
- Six By Seven: 88-92-96 (12") Mantra MNT29T
- Mr. Bull: Mr. Bull No 3 (v/a album - Ice Cream & Suckers - South African Soul) Mercury SR-61213 @
- Substance: Sonic (12" - Sonic Experiments Vol. 1) Breakbeat Culture BBC 003 @
- Hybirds: 24 (session)
- Fridge: Lign (12") Output OPR11T $
- Fridge: Lign (7") Output OPR11 $
- Consumed: Nicky Fry (album - Don't Do It) Spin Out SPIN 1
- Ono Sendai: Codebreaker (12") Precision Breakbeat Research P03 @
- Hybirds: The Only Ones (session)
- Fall: Impression Of J. Temperance (album - Grotesque (After The Gramme)) Rough Trade ROUGH 18
- Devo: Jocko Homo (7" - Mongoloid) Booji Boy 7033-14
- Cylob: Are We Not Men Who Live And Die? (7") Rephlex CYLOB 1 EP @ $
- X-Cabs: Infectious (12") Hook Recordings HK030 @ $
- Tracks marked @ available on File 1
- Tracks marked $ available on File 2
- Name
- 1) dat_149.mp3
- 2) 1998-01-xx Peel Show LE390
- Length
- 1) 04:00:40 (01:18:42-02:01:16) (1:36:08-1:51:20 unique)
- 2) 1:21:00 (21:52-58:22)
- Other
- 1) Many thanks to Max-Dat. Dat 149
- 2) Created from LE390 of Lee Tapes, digitised by Weatherman22. Peel January 1998 Lee Tape 390
- Available