John Peel Wiki
John Peel Wiki


  • Top Gear
  • BBC Radio One
  • 1969-06-29
  • (Duff Paddy) Fresh from the previous day's Bath Festival, Peelie introduces us to more fab 'n groovy Top Gear sounds. This one features sessions from Led Zeppelin, Pentangle, early Jeff Lynne band The Idle Race and the Savoy Brown Blues Band. The Pentangle session seems to be a repeat of the one in the previous post, but this time "I Got a Feeling", an extra song you won't have heard last time, is included.
  • Also features West Bromwich blues, strange things happening in Lewisham, an early 'wrong speed moment' and the Appletree Theatre using the term WWW 22 years before Tim Berners-Lee. Oh, and some nascent Peel/Walters banter, where JP has a go at his new producer for mixing up the Idle Race running order.
  • This one starts out veeeery sloooow, hence it's a bit longer than normal. Judging by the length of Honky Tonk Women, I'd say it's about 5% too slow at the start, but it settles down after about 15 minutes.


(Please add details of any commercial release of these sessions)


(Courtesy Duff Paddy)

[News edit]


  • 1) 1969-06-29 John Peel - Top Gear 19690629.MP3
  • 2) J P Top Gear 29 June 1969 complete.mp3
  • 1) 2:04:09
  • 2) 1:57:54
  • The differences in running times are mainly due to tape 1 running slow
  • 1) (from torrent JOHN PEEL'S TOP GEAR - 8 SHOWS FROM 1969 & 1970). (Duff Paddy) This torrent is a re-upload of the 8 classic Top Gear shows that appeared on my Peel blog Kat's Karavan and have now expired. Most of them are full (or nearly full) shows, encoded as 320K MP3s from 7-inch reel-to-reel tapes. Many thanks to hills1902 for supplying the tapes, to John for ripping and encoding them and to Phil for originally hosting the MP3s on his server.
  • 2) Many thanks to Tim and the Peel Mailing Group for the purchase of the tapes and to Tim for digitisation.