John Peel Wiki


  • This page attempts to bring together the various Peel shows that were intended to celebrate special dates in the calendar. The list is limited to programmes where the main preponderance of the music played is themed around that event, connected to it by name, or if a significant musical recording is contained within the show, with a brief summary of the content and links to the respective pages. The birthday and Christmas shows are covered in depth on separate pages.

Index Of Events Celebrated[]

Birthday (30 August)[]

See: Birthdays

Boxing Day (26 December)[]

  • 26 December 1983: 'The Rhythm Pals' Boxing Day Bash', hosted by JP and Kid Jensen, 7.30 p.m.-midnight.

Burns Night (25 January)[]

  • 23 January 2003: Burns Night Special, two days early, featuring Scottish songs sung by the Delgados, Belle And Sebastian, and ballboy.
  • 22 January 2004: Camera Obscura live from Peel Acres in a Burns Supper special, three days early.

Christmas (25 December)[]

See: Christmas

New Year's Eve (31 December)[]

  • 31 December 1985: Janice Long and John Peel's New Year's Eve Party, 7.30 p.m.-1 a.m.
  • 31 December 1986: 'Janice and John's New Year's Eve Special'. Not listed in The Peel Sessions.

Valentine's Day (14 February)[]
