Disciplina Kičme (Serbian Cyrillic: Дисциплина Кичме; trans. Spinal Discipline) currently working under the slightly altered name of Disciplin A Kitschme, is a Serbian band, one of the two spin-offs of the seminal Yugoslav New Wave and later post-punk band Šarlo Akrobata, the other being Ekatarina Velika. Musically, they are best described as an aggressive and artistic rhythmic explosion, experimenting and seeking out new expressiveness while finding inspiration in the traditions of punk rock, funk, jazz fusion, motown, jungle, and the works of Jimi Hendrix.
The band was formed by former Limunovo Drvo and Šarlo Akrobata bassist and vocalist Dušan Kojić "Koja" in late 1981 with former Urbana Gerila drummer Nenad Krasavac "Kele". The lineup also featured Radnička Kontrola bassist Srđan Marković "Đile", but after a short period of time, he left the band. The following year Krasavac went to serve the Yugoslav People's Army and was replaced by former Radnička Kontrola drummer Srđan "Žika" Todorović. The band also prepared material for their debut album, but due to the non-commercial musical style, the major Yugoslav record labels denied releasing it. (read more on Wikipedia...)
Links To Peel[]
On his 11 November 1990 show, Peel mentioned discovering the band when a Yugoslav journalist interviewed him recently. After the interview the journalist gave him some Yugoslavian LP's, which Peel thought might not be good. In fact Peel enjoyed the LP's so much that he decided to play tracks from them. Before playing the track, Peel did not know whether the band was called Svi Za Mnom or the track was called that. Svi Za Mnom turned out to be the band's album and the track Peel played was Ovo Je Zvuk (This Is Sound). Peel would later on play more tracks from the band until their last album in the early 90's before splitting up and reforming under a new name of Disciplin A Kitschme in 1995.
Shows Played[]
John Peel's Disciplina Kičme ! - Ovo Je Zvuk...
- 1990
- 11 November 1990: Ovo Je Zvuk... (album - Svi Za Mnom) Helidon FLP 05-060
- 08 December 1990: Pozdrav Mladoj Žitarici (LP - Svi Za Mnom) Helidon
- 13 December 1990 (Radio Mafia): Ovo Je Zvuk (LP - Svi Za Mnom) Helidon
- 1992
- 11 January 1992: Himna (album - Nova Iznenađenja Za Nova Pokolenja) PGP RTB 211133
- 19 January 1992: Čovek sa visokom temperaturom ('The Man With The High Temperature') (album - Nova Iznenađenja Za Nova Pokolenja) PGP RTB 211133
- 02 February 1992: 'Da Li Znaš Za Neki Drugi Ritam (Have You Ever Heard Of Any Other Rhythm) (album - Nova Iznenađenja Za Nova Pokolenja) PGP RTB 211133
- 03 February 1992 (Ö3): 'Čovek Sa Visokom Temperaturom (The Man With The High Temperature) (album - Nova Iznenađenja Za Nova Pokolenja) PGP RTB 211133