John Peel Wiki

Peel would often mention fictional artists and song titles, either on his shows or when writing in music papers such as Sounds. These were possibly Peel's idea of a joke.

This is an attempt to list the fictional artists and titles that Peel mentioned on radio and on paper:

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No Mere Nosebleed listed on the Sounds Playlist published in Sounds on 20th October 1973

  • Afterburners: A fictional band that Peel made up with an album title called Buildings and signed to the Dormitory label, as one of the albums that he was listening to in June 1974 on the Sounds Playlist. There was actually an East Anglian band called the After Burners who played around Norwich, possibly in the 1970s, but they did not have a song title called Buildings or were signed to the Dormitory label.
  • Duane Eddy In Vietnam: A fictitious album title Peel made up, when playing a Vietnamese track of a cassette from the Workers Cultural Ensemble Of The Fourth District Of Ho Chi Minh District on his 24 November 1990 show, which was sent by Julian Du Plane, who worked for the BBC World Service.
  • Flying Cream Shots: Name of a fictitious band frequently trailed by Peel from the late 70s to the early 90s. For his 50th birthday in 1989, colleagues at Radio Bremen made a record together called John's Birthday Song (Medley) under the name of the Flying Cream Shots.
  • If You Thought We Were Good Last Season, Wait Until Next: This was a fictional title Peel used for Liverpool F.C.'s album, as one of the albums that he was listening to in May 1974 on the Sounds Playlist. He described them as being signed to the Inside Leg label.
  • No Mere Nosebleed: Peel listed this fictional band with a self-titled album called No Mere Nosebleed, signed on the Demo Tape label, as one of the albums that he was listening to in October 1973 on the Sounds Playlist.
  • Pig Pig Piggo: Peel mentioned on his 17 May 1988 show a band called Pig Pig Piggo who have been sending him letters from around the world. The recent one coming from Cusco in Peru. No such band seemed to have existed on the internet, especially doing a world tour and seems very likely to have been one of Peel's invented band names. On his 14 June 1989 show, Peel again mentions the band sending him postcards around the world, but this time, he called them Pig, Pig, Pigger.
  • Rancid Cyril & His Mighty Balloons: A band Peel mentioned on his 13 June 1983 show that he wanted to sign on his Dandelion label, simply because he liked the name. Little is known of the band - they do not feature in any known gig listings available online, so the suspicion lingers that the group could simply be one of Peel's invented names
  • Snotty & The Nosepickers: A fictional band that Peel mentioned when introducing a KOMA trailer in the mid 60's.