John Peel Wiki
  • The John Peel Wiki is a community project. Your contributions are very much appreciated. To start your new mixtape page, please enter the page title in the box below and click button to create page, with Mixtape template added automatically:

  • Edit the various sections with all the details you can, preview the page, and save it once you've finished. For unity of style across the Mixtape pages, please keep to the basic template.

New Mixtape Page Template[]

  • In traditional wiki markup, double square brackets are used for internal links (eg, for artist pages, other show dates). Single square brackets are for links to outside Web pages. Both can be added easily using the buttons you'll see immediately above the editing window. If you leave a space after the full web address and then another word, that word will appear as the link on the final page once it's saved.
  • The main categories used for mixtapes are the year(s) (if this is known), "Mixtape" and "Available online", although there are others.
== Tape ==

; Name

; Station
*BBC Radio One

*199 -   

*(Background of tape, including who made it, theme if any, notable songs, interesting Peel comments, etc)  

== Tracklisting ==

*[[Artist]]: Song (single/album/session) Label

== File ==


* Shared via [[Peel Mailing List]].
* Many thanks to ----

* [http://www.------]

[[Category:Available online]]
[[Category: Mixtape]] 