John Peel Wiki


  • John Peel's Music On BFBS
  • 1986
  • Peel saw That Petrol Emotion in London the previous week, "and very good they were too." This was their gig at the Electric Ballroom, 22 May. He also mentions seeing Bog-Shed the previous weekend.
  • Plays four tracks from the legendary C86 cassette. Nick Cave single released 16 June, as was the Smiths LP.


  • None


(JP: 'Any combo with a singer called Tracy is alright with me.')
(JP: 'A pretty little song for the spring.')
(JP: 'We return to the NME cassette, and as I mentioned at the beginning of the programme, I haven't heard the whole thing meself yet. In fact, there is a track on there by We've Got A Fuzzbox And We're Gonna Use It which none of us have heard, but we're gonna play it now. Just hope there aren't any rude words: no bottoms or any of that kind of thing in it.')
(JP: 'Not a single bottom. Well, I mean four bottoms really, but none spoken or sung.')
(JP: 'Having spent a few moments in conversation with the singer of Bog-Shed last weekend, I would imagine that The Temple is probably a public house.')
(JP: 'In last week's programme, which I know you just loved, I played you the new single from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: here's the B-side of it.')
(JP: 'Hot dog, Nick! Pity he chickened out on those high notes, I must say.')
(JP: 'As my colleague Janice Long said, some boys are bigger than others as well, but the less said about that the better.') 43:12
  • Elsa: T'en Vas Pas (7") (Carrere) (NOTE: This appears to be recorded over John Peel's show)
  • The Blue Aeroplanes: Journal Of An Airman (LP-Tolerance) (Fire) 28 June 1986 (BFBS)
  • Tape cuts off in the middle of the song above and is probably a first attempt to copy on to a tape, which then ran out, so a full version is available on Peel 037 (BFBS).


  • Peel 036
  • 00:46:08
  • Many thanks to the taper.
  1. Peel announces it as 'Celestial City.'