(JP: 'That's, I'm afraid, another one of those records in the Peel Sessions series, but, as I've explained before, as I feel I ought to explain all of the time, because people think I'm getting lots of money out of these records, I only wish I was, but if you think about it logically, there's really no reason why I should. I mean, I didn't make the records or write the songs or produce them or do anything: just got my name on it. I do wish I did get the money, though. One or two people have written in and said, "Are there any sessions by the Fall coming out in the series?," and the idea is that there should be, certainly, and I'd like this very much, because they've actually recorded ten sessions for the programme, the first band ever to get into double figures, [1] and I would like to issue them...actually, a box set is something I'd really like to do, but I'd certainly like to issue them sequentially, if that was possible, and this is the only thing that I have to do with the running of Strange Fruit records, is that I try and pick the sessions to be issued. But there are problems in that quite a few people quite clearly don't want their stuff to come out, which they're entitled to say, and then there are one or two record companies who for some reason best known to themselves, although they're not issuing records by the bands any longer, still don't want old stuff coming out. Why this is I don't know, and it seems rather small-minded, but these record companies have made these decisions and there's not much I can do about it. But as I say, the Fall are kind of thinking about it at the moment, and hopefully they'll be persuaded eventually that it is worth doing.')
Chills: 'I Love My Leather Jacket (7")' (Flying Nun)
Schwefel: 'Schizophrenic Party (12")' (Schuldige Scheitel)