John Peel Wiki

If you’ve ever wanted to know such significant facts as how often John Peel played Teenage Kicks or Frank Zappa records, this site’s database alone may not be able to supply all the answers.

Probably the largest single collection of Peel tracklistings currently available is Phil's mighty database, which brings together information from various sources, including Lorcan's pioneering tracklistings site and the BBC minisite. Still available in Excel spreadsheet form in the files section of the Peel Mailing List, this invaluable research tool can now also be accessed and searched via the John Peel Wiki. Please see the Phil's Mighty Database page for more details.

John Peel Wiki Tracklistings Search[]

This external Google custom search brings together tracklistings results from Lorcan's pages (1992-2001, including Andy Kershaw shows), the BBC minisite (2002-4), and the John Peel Wiki. Access here.

At present, the results for John Peel Wiki appear incomplete, but this should improve in time as Wiki pages are indexed by Google. Other drawbacks include overlaps in information and the large number of results for major Peel favourites (eg, The Fall, Teenage Kicks).

Site Searches[]

For optimal results on tracklistings information, you may find it best to use each of the following in turn:

John Peel Wiki Search

To search this site, you can use the Search window at the top right of every page – this will take you directly to a page that matches your enquiry if one exists. For more detailed results, use the text search in the input box below:

An alternative is to do a search on the WhatLinksHere page. This will provide a list of linked pages for your searched word or term (searches are case sensitive). For best results, try different variations of artist names.

Google Site Search

As an alternative, you can use Google site search to search this site.Click here for a Google site search for the term "Elton". For your own search, substitute another term for "Elton".

Lorcan's Tracklistings Archive Search

Google Custom Search on external page. Results for all pages on Lorcan's site, covering 1992-2001, including tracklistings from Andy Kershaw shows. Access here.

John Peel Wiki BBC Minisite Search

Google Custom Search on external page. Results for all pages on the BBC John Peel ministe, including sessions and artist information. Access here.
