John Peel Wiki

Ted Chippington (real name Francis Smyth; born February 1962, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England) is a British stand-up comedian. Noted for his diffident on-stage persona, Chippington eschews observational comedy in favour of anti-humour and jokes which are mostly variations on the same theme, delivered in a West Midlands monotone. He also frequently performs his own versions of well-known songs in a similarly listless style. His act has left many audiences bemused or even hostile, with heckling a frequent occurrence during his performances.

Links To Peel[]

Ted Chippington supported one of Peel's favourite band the Fall in 1984, where his performance was released under the record EP title of Non Stop Party Hits Of The 50's 60's & 70's on the Vindaloo label, it is not known whether Peel attended that gig, but he did play material from the EP in 1985.

Peel broadcast Ted Chippington's performance on the Royal Iris ferry in 1985 ‎as a session, a rare occasion for a comedian and had him introduce the first two songs on his 10 December 1986 show. In 1989, Peel described Ted Chippington as one of the greatest rock 'n' roll figures of all time on his 25 July 1989 show.

In the 90's until Peel's death, Ted Chippington retired from comedy and moved to America to become a chef. Peel would often play Ted's early material in the 90's and was delighted when he had an email from him in 2004, in which Peel mentioned that if it wasn't so cold and snowing he would send Sheila out to the shed to find one of his records to play in celebration.



TED CHIPPINGTON The Royal Iris Ferry, Liverpool 1st August 1985

1. Recorded: 1985-08-01, live on the Royal Iris ferry. Broadcast: 06 November 1985

  • Rockin’ With Rita / Driving Down The Road / She Loves You / I Feel Like Buddy Holly

Other Shows Played[]


Ted Chippington - Rock And Roll On 33⅓

  • 10 May 1992 (BFBS): Side Rockin' (EP - Non-Stop Party Hits of the 50's, 60's & 70's) Vindaloo Records
  • 14 June 1992 (BFBS): Hound Dog (LP - Man In A Suitcase) Vindaloo
  • 24 August 1992 (BFBS): Feel Like Buddy Holly (LP - Man in a Suitcase) Vindaloo
  • 08 November 1992 (BFBS): Driving Down The Road (LP - A Bakers Dozen From Vindaloo) Vindaloo
  • 07 December 1992 (BFBS): Feel Like Buddy Holly (LP - Man in a Suitcase) Vindaloo

See Also[]

External Links[]
